Grinvin is a software package for studying graphs, their properties (invariants) and the relations between these properties. Although Grinvin can be used as a research tool, it is specifically geared towards teaching students about graphs and mathematical reasoning.

Not only does Grinvin allow novices to experiment with graphs and their invariants but it can also make conjectures about (selected) properties of a list of (selected) graphs. This conjecturing engine has proved to be an invaluable aid in teaching (young) students about mathematical reasoning.

We urge you to read more about how Grinvin can be used in the classroom.

All terminology used by the software is documented in an online, context sensitive help system. This documentation contains information on both invariants and basic graph theory. The documentation (and likewise, the user interface) is available in different languages (currently English and Dutch - but also some work has been done on a Russian version.

The Grinvin team

Grinvin is developed at Ghent University. Main contributors for the latest version of Grinvin are (in alphabetical order):

  • Gunnar Brinkmann
  • Kris Coolsaet (contact)
  • Adriaan Peeters
  • Nico Van Cleemput

(Email addresses can be found in the electronic phone book of the university.)

We also had a lot of help from various students.

Unfortunately at the moment we have a serious lack of manpower to invest in Grinvin (this is a euphemism).

Ghent University is copyright holder of the program and all documentation.

Grinvin © Ghent University, Belgium